been thinking a lot recently about fairness. The following is my train of
If Life was “Fair”
If life was fair,
Kids wouldn’t be orphaned, sick,
starving, and aborted.
Everyone would have a voice.
Loved ones wouldn’t die.
People who committed crimes would be
caught and punished.
Children wouldn’t be abused and
mistreated; they would be protected and loved.
They would only be born to parents who
wanted them, not mistakes as a result of choices.
Good people wouldn’t get cancer.
Houses wouldn’t burn down.
People would work hard, and lazy people
wouldn’t take advantage.
Everyone would have sound minds and not
have mental illnesses.
Sleep would be sweet.
Bombs wouldn’t be dropping on innocent
Soldiers wouldn’t have to leave their
People that worked hard in school would
succeed and people who slacked wouldn't.
But then I got to thinking…if you help a
baby chick out of its shell, it dies because the fight is what makes it strong.
If life was fair, there would be no
“good” people and we would be condemned to death because of our sins. If life
was “fair” an innocent Jesus wouldn’t have been beaten and killed in our place.
If life was “fair” we would have no hope. Our sin and bad choices would
outweigh the good we think we have done.
So the next time I think about what’s
“fair”, I will think long and hard about it.
And then be grateful for both the gift
Jesus gave me and the opportunities that I am so blessed to have. I will be
thankful for the hope I can have every day, even on my bad days.
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