A Tribute to My Ladies

This week I was feeling a little lonely. It can be pretty hard having friends who don't live around me. And when they are around me, coordinating busy schedules. As I was being sad, I started thinking about the four main girls and how much I love them and how much they encourage me in my relationship with Jesus, with people, and just life in general. So I thought I would write a tribute to them.

First, there is Sarah. Sarah and I have been friends the longest. We became friends when she moved to Pennsylvania when she was in 6th grade and I was in 5th. Her and I are as different as night and day. I love how she makes everyone around her smile and laugh. She can coax me from a bad mood into laughing so hard my stomach hurts. She has gorgeous blue eyes and a beautiful smile. There are so many wonderful memories that I have with her...I can't pick just one. Even though we are both passionate women who speak our minds to each other, we have only gotten into one fight. All I remember about that fight is that it was over something stupid. She is a chef and she loves Florida. I am so proud of her for going after she wants. She works so hard and it pays off. I know that she will be successful at whatever she does in life.

Second, there is Annie. Annie was pretty much my first friend in high school. Because we went to cyber school, the worst part about our friendship is that we live three hours apart and rarely get to see each other. Thank God for Skype. She is my fellow nerd. She is an amazing writer. She is always willing to read over things to see if my crazy brain is making sense and writes stories for me to read. She is incredibly intelligent. There were many times that she helped me figure pre calculus. We love Jane Austen and often discuss her books, movies, and all the spin off books and Youtube vlogs
(Pemberly Digital). We frequently quote them. I think one of my favorite moments with Annie was teaching her how to shoot a BB gun when she spent a week down here. But my very favorite thing about her is that I know that I can always shoot her a quick text asking for prayer and when she gets that text, she prays for me. I can't wait to see where God takes her in the future. I know He has amazing plans for her.

Before I talk and explain what I love about Peggy and Shannon, I have to explain two things. One is that I met them both at Royal Family Kids' Camp. Two is that we have known each other for less than two years Shannon almost two, Peggy almost one), but quickly after meeting them, it felt like we had been friends forever.

So, Shannon. Shannon is a wonderful person. She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Rarely do I see her without a smile on her face. She laughs a lot and is always willing to have fun. One of my favorite times was when I went to Shannon's house after church one Sunday and we were cold so we were snuggling on the couch while we were watching football, and I fell asleep on the couch. And when I woke up, she was laying on my shoulder. This is one of my favorite moments, because very rarely do I willingly let people inside my personal bubble, to fall asleep snuggling with Shannon meant that she was like a sister, because only my sister and I do that. She truly has become part of my family. I also love arguing about football with her. She is one of the few girls that I can have a knowledgeable football conversation with. I know that she will make a wonderful nurse because she is so caring and kind to other people.

And last, but certainly not least, is Peggy. Peggy looks at the world with a photographer's eye. She is a skilled photographer who sees details that other people miss. One thing I love about Peggy is that she is willing to try adventurous things with me (ice skating, snowboarding, watching sunrises, hiking) and isn't afraid of getting dirty to catch the perfect picture or to have fun. We have similar mindsets on a lot of issues and I enjoy discussing things with her. Picking a movie to watch with her is interesting though, because I like chick flicks (they are so predictable and hilarious) and she hates them. She introduced me to the book "The Fault in Our Stars," for which I will be forever grateful for! I know she will be a fantastic middle school teacher because she is the perfect combination of fun + smart + thought provoking!

I love you ladies all so much, and I am continually encouraged by each of you. I am thankful to have you in my life! I know that God has amazing plans for all of your lives and that you will succeed in whatever path you are on!
