Cars and Drivers - Highway Humor

Driving an hour each way to work gives me plenty of time to watch cars.

Side note: this is not meant to insult anyone, it’s just my quirky sense of humor.

Types of cars--
Prius, most often covered in Obama stickers.

Jacked up truck: “I am totally out of place in traffic…I’m more of a back road kinda guy.”

Dented up car: “Don’t come near me unless you want your car to look like this.”

The Billboard: “All the people driving around me can totally read the 28 million bumper stickers plastered on my car while they are driving!”

Tractor trailers: “Suckers, out of my way!!”

Types of drivers--

The race car driver: “I’m going to speed up and drive on the shoulder so I can get 2 cars ahead of where I was!”

The honker: “I don’t care what you’re doing, I’m going to honk because I can!”

The swerver: “I’m not paying attention, and since I’m in the middle lane and going over the line, I’m going to jerk my steering wheel and almost go over in the other lane.”

The person who doesn’t check their blindside: “Thank God for people who pay attention while driving while I’m switching lanes beside them.”

The darter: “I’m going to dart in and out of lanes to try to get as far ahead as I can, even though traffic is not moving fast at all and I’m not really going anywhere.”

The turtle: “I’m trying not to get into an accident while going 70mph like the speed limit says. So I’m going 40mph. Never mind that I might cause an accident for going too slow.”

The anti-turn signal drivers: “I’m not going to use turn signals so people will have to guess whether I’m switching lanes, getting off at an exit, or just not paying attention. #DrivingGames”

Funny memes I found--
I do this all the time. 


I don't know...some people are scarier behind because they seem like they'll rear end you. 

Not going to lie, I've done this.


All. The. Time. 

Any suggestions of cars or drivers that you'd add? 
