Church = Community

If I had to pick one word to describe what the Body of Christ, a.k.a. Church should look like, I would say "community."

Think about your local community, there are mayors and politicians. There are policeman, teachers, pastors, artists, craftsman, entrepreneurs, nurses, counselors, and the list goes on. Each person using their gifts and talents for the good of the community.

As I looked around my church family today, I was so blessed by everyone who shows up. Just their presence says, "I am here. I am making an effort." I am blessed to see their strengths as they use them and learn to use them in their daily lives. I am honored to be able to connect with them, to problem solve and pray over situations in their lives.

I am blessed to be part of the greater community of the Body of Christ that is all over the world.

1 Corinthians 12:12-31 talks about "Unity Yet Diversity in the Body." It is a wonderful reminder how everyone's gifts and talents are needed!

Healthy communities keep an eye out for its members and those around them. They celebrate the individualities and the commonalities. They uphold truth and they train their people. They embrace the hurting, the sick, and the outcasts.

I am so thankful to be a part of the Jesus community, and I am encouraged to keep doing my part!


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