Cultivating Thankfulness

Like everyone's year, I'm sure, my year has had some ups and downs. Between an unexpected trip to Israel, my car needing to be towed 3x in 6 months, and just daily life, life has thrown a lot of pleasant and unpleasant things my way.

I've learned a lot about how giving thanks isn't just an action that I do when I feel like it; it's a lifestyle. And if it's not a lifestyle then it should be. My external circumstances shouldn't change my gratefulness to the Lord. Nothing is less encouraging than a negative Christian - in fact, I try to avoid them!

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

This verse sticks out to me because it calls me to give thanks in everything. It's choosing to be thankful even when I'd rather complain. It's cultivating an attitude of gratefulness. It doesn't mean that I can't feel frustrated momentarily, but I don't have the right to stay that way.

Cultivate: try to acquire or develop (a quality, sentiment, or skill). 

For most of us, gratitude and thankfulness doesn't just happen. I have to purposefully work to cultivate it in my life.

There are several strategies I use in my life to cultivate gratefulness. 

1. On awful days, I make a list of at least 5 things that happened that day that I am thankful for. Sometimes I write them down as a reminder. Other times I just speak them aloud as I'm driving.

2. I try to make worship part of my day - often during my morning ride to work. I crank up the radio and sing out to Jesus.

3. I take time throughout the day to thank God for big and little things - today it is my slow morning when I have time to rest and read and drink tea without rushing off somewhere.

4. I make an effort to be intentional about expressing my gratitude to others, whether it's thanking someone for holding open a door for me or someone that went out of their way to help me out.

And the result I've seen in my life? My relationship with Jesus is more focused on Him and not on myself. An attitude of gratefulness speaks volumes to people around me. A coworker recently told me, "You are like sunshine! You just always have a great attitude!" While I assured her that I definitely have bad days, I try to keep my attitude as one of gratefulness and positivity in order to spread joy to others. I know it's because of Jesus in me and me choosing to make an attitude choice.

What strategies do you use in your life to cultivate gratefulness? 

My challenge to you is this: make the choice to practice 1 new gratitude habit daily. See how it affects your life and your relationship with Jesus. 
