As a magical superhero fairy of grace...ahem...pediatric occupational therapy assistant, my world is full of teaching skills (handwriting, executive functioning, self-regulation), managing behaviors, laughing with kids, repeating myself until I'M tired of hearing myself, and being my normal creative, scatterbrained self. What do I do in the summertime? Well, I decided to calculate some numbers...
- 75 days of summer
- 19 potential nights slept in my own bed
- 4 typhoid vaccine pills
- 3-4 days in Nashville, TN visiting my sister
- 1 hepatitis A shot
- 4 days of team missions training
- 1 1/2 weeks in Colombia, South America
- 2 weekends of helping with Teen Reach Adventure Camp
- 1 week of Royal Family Kids' training in Oklahoma City
- 1 week of being a Royal Family Kids' Camp counselor
- 7 days resting and exploring in Maine
- 8 flights
- 7 airports
- 2 weddings
- 6 out of 11 weeks (at least) I will be away
- Approximately 8,814 miles traveled (my 3 big trips)
Additional things I plan on doing -
- Picking berries
- Camping
- Hiking
- Relaxing in my hammock
- reading books
- writing
- finishing some work projects
- hosting campfires
It's going to be a great summer!!
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