Gratitude - a poem

Gratitude shouldn't be like an expensive perfume
Only brought out on special occasions
A spray here, a dab there.

Gratitude should be like water -
Vast oceans and bubbling springs
Cleansing showers and flowing faucets.

Gratitude should be tiny and giant all at once.

Like a galaxy
Massive and overwhelming
Filled with infinite details.

Appreciate the seemingly never-endingness


Look closely!

Find exquisite details and meditate on the Creator of constellations.

Appreciate. Notice.
     The tart taste of cranberry-apple tea on my tongue
     My bare feet resting on blades of green grass
     Delightful bird music and airplanes flying and cars driving
     The smell of dead leaves and fresh fields

What does your soul see?

Express. Acknowledge.
     In poem or song
     or simple thought
     in stillness or dancing

When full of joy, or burnt out in life, or crushed by sorrow -
drink the life-giving water of gratitude.

And in doing so, you will hear the love song of the Creator for you.
