A table at Nazareth Village, Israel (taken by Elizabeth)
Is there room for me at the table?
With my honest questions
And my opposing opinions?
Is there room for me at the table?
To bear my heart
And be painfully vulnerable?
Is there room for me at the table?
Even when I bring messy emotions
And messier words?
Is there room for me at the table?
To look past those things
And see my heart?
Even when you don’t understand?
The question reverberates in my mind
Echoing in all the chambers
Tossing and turning like a churning sea.
But then,
the words of Psalms 23
come like a salve
over all my wounded soul scrapes
over all the cuts in my heart
over all the bruises in my mind.
You prepare a table before me,
In the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil,
My cup overflows.
And as the salve sinks in,
A new question comes to the surface
Am I willing to sit at the table?
Even when it’s awkward
And I’d rather be safe?
Am I willing to sit at the table?
When emotions rise
And I have to bite my tongue?
Am I willing to sit at the table?
Giving honor to the people
I don’t understand?
Am I willing to sit at the table?
Because I believe that people
Are worth it?
A quiet determination whispers.
I will sit at the table prepared before me.
I will occupy my place at the table.
I will prepare the table for people to be.
Holding fast to the anointing
And to the conversations that bring change
And to the honor still to give
And to the hope that stirs softly.
**Side Note: I'm not saying people are enemies, but there can definitely be some ungodly spirits you can easily come up against during hard conversations. On all sides, and we have to constantly be checking our own hearts and making sure they aren't hardened.
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