Tender, Two Ways

One day my offer was accepted --

The tender? Covenantal faithfulness alongside a healthy dose of fruits of the Spirit.
Each day an opportunity to gently shape small hearts with tender hands.

This is no carefree weekend trip,
I've signed up for an endurance hike of a thousand miles.
Sturdy boots on, I'm minding my steps, wary of a trip or stumble.

Each foot is firmly planted on the Rock higher than I
As we keep moving at a toddler stride pace, half-a-foot at a time.

My earnest prayers beg for protection, not wanting to fall quarry to evil or harm,
As fertile hearts are a quarry of resources.

Big gulpfuls of water from a well of grace
In between whispers of "It is well with my soul."


Molly Flinkman at Exhale Creativity wrote a fun challenge prompt of playing around with homonyms (words that are spelled the same but have multiple meanings)...This is my take.
